Application of Apollon Technology Infrastructure in Nha Trang Galaxy Resort

Mar 21, 2019

Dear Apollon Community:

Nha Trang Galaxy Resort is a leading entertainment operator in Asia, that has developed the stablecoin “Lcash” based on the blockchain infrastructure of Apollon Foundation. The Resort is located in Nha Trang, Vietnam, the city is one of the top global tourist destinations, featuring one of the most beautiful coastlines in Asia and a pleasant climate.

StableCoin LCASH and APO will be fully accepted and converted into chips in the Resort, Guests or players can make direct payment or consumption throughout the whole process and in all the scenarios. Moreover, guests holding Lcash and APO will be treated as VIP by the Resort to have more membership benefits and better service experience. The Resort would like to extend a warm welcome to tourists from Apollon Community to Nha Trang, Vietnam!

Apollon Foundation is dedicated to providing blockchain technology infrastructure for sectors including entertainment, gaming and tourism, and we will bring more information to the Community about practical applications of operators. Be sure to stay tuned!



Apollon Foundationのブロックチェーンインフラストラクチャに基づいて開発されたステーブルコイン「Lcash」とAPOトークンはこのニャチャンギャラクシーリゾートにて使用されることが決まりました。


Apollon Foundationはエンターテインメント、ゲーム、観光などの分野にブロックチェーン技術基盤を提供致します、そしてはApollon Foundationは通信事業者の実用的な応用についてより多くの情報を事業者に提供致します。